Five Element Acupuncture

Will Balkwill Lic. Ac. MBAcC
Five Element Acupuncture
Helping you along the way

Meet Will
My name is Will Balkwill and I am a Five Element Acupuncturist practising at the Canonbury Natural Health Centre, in Islington, London N1.
I grew up in Oxfordshire and have a background as a professional singer, working in the UK and abroad. I discovered Five Element Acupuncture a decade ago, when I was going through a difficult period emotionally, feeling stuck and just not quite myself.
Within a few sessions, my energy was more even and I felt much more able to deal with the various ups and downs. In addition, sleep, digestion and other body systems became more regular.
In 2019 after becoming more and more curious, I decided to train in this amazing system of medicine and began a three year professional licentiate at The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa.